Thursday, April 17, 2008

The People Have Spoken - Maskin & Lois Lose

Greg and Sarah-Kate gave it the ol' college try only to fall short. One wonders what might've happened if, let's say, Greg ran next year.
Would Sheila have survived with the extra 1200 votes up for grabs....? We'll never know.
Next up comes the Village Council (VC) vote in May. 4 Candidates for 3 spots.
Monsieur Harlow is known to carry the water buckets for the lacrosse and soccer con men.
Killion has green signs which means he must be Irish.
Anny is an unknown.
And Betty Weist has, at least in e-mails to the Hawes community, always given us the feeling that she'll protect the residents over the vocal sports clique.
More to come on this....this one is critical since the VC owns the lower field at Hawes, not the BOE.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

BOE Election

We'll try to get some comments from the 4 BOE candidates vying for election. At first blush I don't know know if the 3 newbies (Lois, Maskin and Goodman) are soccer or lacrosse suck-ups.

More to come....

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turf Toughies

The Record has picked up on the turf know a trend has reached it's climax when The Record has begun to pick up on a story.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sappy Articles About Maple Field

Last week's Ridgewood News featured several articles about the turfing of Maple Field. The Sports Council and the Village Council (VC) cheerleaders got together for several photo ops. Wunderbar !

We might be able to live with the manhandling executed by the Sports Fuhrers if the carpeting of The Wood was limited to a single field but you better believe the turfing will continue until morale improves. The trains will be on time so don't you dare question authority !

Mssrs Giordano and Demallie are leading the VC around by the nose. Once you've completed an end run and carpeted a field can lights and the generators needed to keep the lights running be far behind...?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Town Meeting Summary

The October 15 town meeting to review the second draft of the Master Plan revealed a few surprises:

1) strange sight of BOE members joining their Village Council counterparts up on the dais.
2) Schoor-Depalma changed their name to CMX.
3) The meeting was a carefully cooordinated routine to reduce or at least control the public.
4) An egg timer was used to keep the public comments down to 3 minutes per speaker.

The next forum is on Nov 15 will be held at the BOE bldg. The BOE has control over school properties in town but not the field at Lower Hawes.

See you on the 15th....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Schoor Depalma Report

It's here....

$27MM in recommendations......let's hope this doesn't get approved without putting it up for a vote.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lax Day - May 12

Wouldn't it be great if Lax Day could serve as a day of peace for the entire globe...?