Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rec Baseball / Softball Has Begun

The older kids seasons have started....it's good to see the youngsters playing ball again although Mother Nature has not been cooperative for the first 2 days.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


If you live near one of these contraptions you know you the refrain....all weekend long your senses are attacked by the shrill sound of aluminum bats smacking an endless supply of baseballs or softballs.

The cage was assembled 2 or 3 years ago and none of the approximate 25 houses within range of the device were alerted to it's assembly - - it just appeared one morning.

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Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping
Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping
Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Adult Weekend Football League (AWFL)

The Adult footballers started action today with 9AM match with Dumont. We'll ask the VC to drop off a Port-a-John so that the Dumont players don't have to leak in Pleasant Park. We think RW won the game...